Friday, August 14, 2020

Saturday, and the next two weeks.

 Saturday:  Day off!

The next two weeks... With transplanting over, we now have slightly more than a full packing line of people. It would look like that in the next two weeks, it will be average or slightly below, so we will not be needing two lines at once. So as a result, we will not be needing every person, every day. 

So, if you were thinking of taking some time off, the next two weeks are a good time to do so.

I have asked Zach to create a template of employee rotation, set for each weekday, in which we will draw upon it to make the next day's schedule. 

Some days will be a full line, some days a part line, or occasionally, a day off. It all comes down to amount of harvest volume vs orders going out, and the timelines associated with each. 

We appreciate the contributions of everyone so far this season.
